Books Available for Purchase from the LHC
Roster of Jefferson Country's Absent Sons and Daughters. An alphabetized list of about 4,000 people who left the county before 1905, the town they moved from and town to which they moved. …...................................... …..$10.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Ernest Cook Vol. 1. Compilation of Ernest Cook's interviews with Jefferson County's elders. Series such as: "Talks with Men of the North Country," "The famed Goodenough School," and "Forgotten Post Offices." This last series is especially useful for the genealogist because Cook names all the families who received mail at these remote locations. One hundred and twenty articles, 118 pages, with index ..........................................……$10.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Ernest Cook, Vol. II in this volume there are a total of 100 articles; 42 on Theresa, 10 on the French nobility in the north country, 5 on the Edus emigration which tells why and how the non-noble left Europe, 15 articles on the Champion area, 28 on the Scotch Pioneers. There are 113 pages, many of them retyped for easier reading. With index ............….$10.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Ernest Cook, Vol. III. One hundred nineteen pages, completely retyped for easy reading, with 30 articles from March 1910 to July 1929, many on Chippewa Bay area. Cooks's technique was to interview the elders of a community. If he were interviewing an 80 year old in 1920, the man would have been born in 1840 and could give an oral history of the area from those early days. With index ....................$10.00 + $3.50 S.& H.
Ernest Cook, Vol. IV. Thirty three articles, 117 pages, completely retyped for easy reading. There are articles on some of the famous names in the ountered in this uninhabited region.With Index .. $10.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Ernest Cook, Vol V. Forty articles, 128 completely retyped pages, from August 1929 to November 1929, mostly on the Rossie, Hammond, Theresa areas...........................................$10.00 + $3.50 S.& H.
Ernest Cook, Vol. VI. Forty one articles, 121 completely retyped pages, including a 13 article series on the Copley's of Chaumont and Antwerp, a 17 article series on the Town of Lyme and an 11 article series on Point Peninsula. .......$10.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Point Salubrious 1802 - 2006 by Clara Van Doren. Includes 169 color pictures. ........$25.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Schermerhorn Park Memories by Frank Schermerhorn Silver. Special Order .......$15.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
The Historical Journal of John Bedford. A gripping saga of the difficult life of the pioneer in what was a nearly uninhabited Northern New York State. This is the story of Bedford's life between 1810 and 1844 .......$25.00 + $4.50 S. & H.
The Founding of the Schools in Lyme and the Pioneers who Built Them, by Joyce Lance. Includes a 3,000+ item index .......$22.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Follow the North Shore by Joyce Lance. Stories of the Early Settlers of Point Peninsula... $15.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
History of the Town of Lyme by Charles R. and Harriet L. Knapp. Booklet .......$5.00 + $2.50 S. & H.
The "Ciscoe Chasers" of Chaumont Bay, Booklet. .......$5.00 + $2.50 S. & H.
A Historical Sketch of the Town of Cape Vincent, by Elizur N. Pratt, Booklet .......$5.00 + $2.50 S. & H.
Chaumont History through Old Postcards. There are about 80 old postcards of old Chaumont with commentary .....$10.00 + $3.00 S. & H.
Recipes and Reminiscences. Olde time recipes, curiosities, and pictures. ....... $10.00 + $3.50 S. & H.
Historical Town of Lyme 2017 calendar with pictures of old Town of Lyme …………… $10.00 + $3.50 S & H